Home Learning

At Wren Academy we will regularly set home learning.  This comprises learning tasks which students will be expected to complete out of lessons, either at home or in the school Library.

The importance of partnership

For home learning to make a positive difference to children's progress there needs to be an open and supportive partnership between students, teachers and parents.  When this partnership works well Wren students will develop the attitudes and skills they need to become ambitious and effective lifelong learners.

The purpose of home learning

At Wren, we believe that home learning is an important aspect of our curriculum offer.  We undertake to set home learning tasks which extend and enhance the learning which has taken place in class.  We recognise that home learning needs to be accessible to students and that they need to find it worthwhile and engaging.  We recognise that home learning which is set simply out of habit is likely to discourage students from becoming the kind of learners we want to see at Wren.

Home learning aims

  • to encourage the development of independent study skills so that students have the confidence and self discipline to study productively on their own
  • to consolidate and extend the learning which has taken place in lessons
  • to promote a culture of learning taking place beyond school
  • to add an additional element of interest and enjoyment to the curriculum
  • to provide parents and carers with opportunities to actively participate in their children's education

Home learning timetable

Students will be set, on average, 60 minutes of home learning each night in Years 7 to 9.  Each subject will set 30 minutes of home learning on their allotted days.  A home learning timetable will be issued at the start of term and will be similar to the one below.  At GCSE, home learning tasks are slightly longer at between 45 to 60 minutes.



















Design Tech


The amount of home learning slots given to each subject is dependent on the amount of curriculum time they have been allocated.

Home Learning Tasks Set



English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities


Music, French, Art and Design Tech

More extended home learning may be set over holiday periods.


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