
It is vital that all students come to the Academy prepared to learn. 

Each lesson, unless instructed otherwise, a student is expected to have all of their equipment for learning out ready at the beginning of the lesson.  As well as their uniform, students will need to have the following items with them on a daily basis:

  • School Bag (with logo)
  • Planner, to include a timetable (will be issued)
  • School books required for the day
  • Lunch card with lanyard (will be issued)
  • Tablet (Years 7-10)
  • At least two writing pens (black/blue), a red pen for marking and two sharpened pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Ruler – with measurements
  • Colouring pencils
  • Scientific calculator
  • Reading book
  • Geometry Set (to include a pair of compasses and a protractor)

Students should bring their PE kit on the first day of term.  Students will also need to look at their timetable and check when they need to bring in their PE kit on other days.  It is good practice to pack a school bag the night before. 


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