General Information


JKeWelcome to the Wren Academy Finchley website.  It has been designed to provide an understanding of the high quality education on offer at every stage of our ‘all through school’ for the youngest children in the Primary Phase through to our Sixth Form.  Since opening in 2008, Wren Academy has grown to become one of the most successful schools in the country as it has gained an excellent reputation for the learning focused education offered to our students.  We hope that what you read and see will prompt you to find out more through visiting us and experiencing all that our happy and diverse community has to offer.

John Keohane
Secondary Principal

Accessing the Academy

The entrance for all students is via the gate situated on Woodhouse Road at the top corner of the field nearest to Bramber Road.  Students will then follow the path through the field to the school site.

All other visitors to the site, including parents and carers, should use the entrance on the corner of Hilton Avenue and Woodhouse Road where they will be let in by the Reception team.

If you drop your child off by car, please do so in plenty of time along Woodhouse Road so that students do not need to rush to be on time. Please ensure that students exit the vehicle well away from the Academy entrance and definitley not on the zigzag road markings.  May we also request that parents or carers do not drive down Hilton Avenue.  There is only a small turning circle for cars and the space is unable to cope with significant numbers of vehicles.  Your support is much appreciated.

Contacting the Academy and staff

If you have any questions or concerns then please phone and make an appointment.  We are more than happy to discuss any questions or concerns with you.

The telephone number is 020 8492 6000. First contact queries by phone will be dealt with by our receptionist Claudette Robinson or Helen Young, who will be able to direct the query to the most appropriate member of staff.  

You can of course email us too at:



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Forthcoming Events

There are currently no events at this moment in time, please check back at a later date