We are a small, open and welcoming group of parents who FUNdraise for 'nice extras' to make our children's education at Wren even more brilliant. We also hold social events to help create a sense of community among parents. Here’s how you can help us, depending on the time you can spare.
10 minutes:
If you have any ideas for an event or a stall at one of our fairs, please let us know, we always love new ideas.
Sign up and raise free funds for us every time you shop online with over 3,600 retailers. Click the image or go to
Please ask your family to do the same.
Link your Amazon account to us by going to or click on the image and select Friends of Wren Academy as your chosen charity.
Please ask your family to do the same.
Held in January and July. We receive £15 for home that has a board from Martyn Gerrard outside - more information on this will follow.
They also donate 5-10% of their fee to us when they sell or let your home when you mention Wren Academy at the time of valuation, so please consider using Martyn Gerrard if you are selling or renting your property.
Only 30 minutes - 1 hour
All the above, plus:
At one of fun events such as School Discos, Bake Sales, Food Fairs, Christmas Market and the Summer Fair.
Ask your them if they are able to support us in any way. Here are just a few examples: through match funding or Payroll Giving - if you donate directly from your salary every month a £5 donation will become £6.25 - or £8.33 for higher rate tax payers! (Donations to charities from individuals are tax free!) Buy company stationary and supplies through Easyfundraising or Amazon Smile on our behalf. Raffle prize donations for one of our big events. Event sponsorship (in return for advertising).
If you have more time . . .
All of the above, plus:
Come to the AGM or an FoW meeting, held each term to hear what’s in the pipeline. Suggest a new idea you may like to help organise.
Consider buddying up to FoW members who already have specific roles - we always need help!