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Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge Posted: 9/01/23

The students spent the day honing their delivery, communication, critical thinking and perhaps most importantly, their self-confidence.

Thirty Year 10 students gathered to experience the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge workshop.  An experienced guest trainer from the Speak Out! Charity guided them on how to deliver speeches with flair and confidence, a crucial life skill in the modern world.  The students spent the day honing their delivery, communication, critical thinking and perhaps most importantly, their self-confidence.

By the end of the day, all thirty students had the chance to present their ideas on everything from the education system, autism, to the importance of seizing the day and making the most of every moment we have.

Four students from the workshop day delivered their speeches to a panel of teachers, from which we chose our finalist for this year, which was Shiloh O, 10 Bow, whose speech stressed the value of seizing the day. Shiloh then attended a digital workshop to sharpen her speaking skills and practise her speech with an expert, alongside other regional finalists from local schools.

Shiloh attended the Barnet Regional Final at Whitefield School, she was one of twenty speakers and spoke about her topic in a self-assured and sensitive manner. Shiloh was presented with her certificate of participation by the Mayor of Barnet.

Shiloh had this to say about the event:

It was a rollercoaster of emotions from being selected to participate in the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge Workshop, to then find out I would be representing Wren Academy in the regional finals! The challenge gifted me with the chance to have my ideas and voice heard in a judgement free and uplifting environment. It gave me the tools and opportunities to improve my public speaking skills. Its impact will have a positive effect on me for years to come.

Well done Shiloh for this fantastic achievement! Keep speaking out!