

Julia Hobsbawm OBE speaks to Wren Sixth Form Posted: 20/10/16

Julia Hobsbawm OBE came to speak to Year 12 students at Wren Academy as part of our regular Wildcard Wednesday programme.
Julia Hobsbawm OBE came to speak to Year 12 students at Wren Academy as part of our regular Wildcard Wednesday programme.
Julia is Honorary Visiting Professor of Networking at London's Cass Business School and has thirty years of experience at a senior level consulting for business. As well as running her own successful business, she has written and presented the 5-part BBC Radio 4 series "Networking Nation" and written numerous books and articles.
Julia spoke to students about how she failed to make the grade academically but through a mixture of determination, hard work and good luck was able to forge a successful career in an area she is interested in and cares deeply about.