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Jesus and Zacchaeus

Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God - Micah 6v8

We are an all-through Church of England Academy inspired by an encounter between Jesus and a tax collector called Zacchaeus.  We believe that fairness, kindness and walking humbly with God are the keys to full flourishing for all.

Zacchaeus was called by name.

We celebrate that every member of our diverse community is valuable and invited to walk with God: This means everyone is welcome and deserves the opportunity to fully flourish into the best person they can be.

Zacchaeus changed through meeting Jesus.

We support and challenge each member of Wren to grow into life in all its fullness, just as God intends: This means growing in faith, knowledge, skills and wisdom as we worship and learn together.

Zacchaeus became compassionate towards others.

We take seriously our commission to love our neighbour, care for our environment and to share generously that which we have received: This means being an outward looking community that is fair, kind and prayerful.  We look to build partnerships where we can learn and use our success to support others.

We want Wren learners to develop characteristics that will see them flourish throughout life.

We call these our 6RsAfrican village