

“This is Wren Academy, Reporting” Posted: 3/03/16

This year’s BBC reporters are beavering away to meet the looming deadline: the national Newsday, where all schools ‘go live’ with their news reports, will take place on Thursday 10 March 2016.

BBC School Report

This year’s BBC reporters are beavering away to meet the looming deadline: the national Newsday, where all schools ‘go live’ with their news reports, will take place on Thursday 10 March 2016. The enrichment teams at Wren have been working on their chosen topics since September. As well as researching and interviewing for the reports, the groups have also tried their hand at filming and editing - getting to grips with the tricks of the trade. Not only does it allow students to learn new, and industry-specific skills in an exciting environment, the BBC School Report aims to empower students by giving them a platform for their voices. This year’s reports and their highlights, include:

The differences with teaching split genders
One male reporter went “undercover” in an all-girls’ English lesson to investigate.

Should the voting age be lowered before the EU referendum?
This group is still awaiting a response from the Prime Minister, as we speak!

The impact of revision for exams on students
Reporters got the exclusive scoop in an interview with Mr Smith.

How much sugar do “healthy” juices contain?
A group of students conducted on-the-ground research at the school restaurant testing the sugar counts of the drinks on offer.

There are even more reports to be revealed on Newsday! Each reporting team independently formed their topic ideas so they have a real ownership of, and invested interest in, them.

The students have really enjoyed this enrichment, with some even asking if they could do it again next year. They have worked as a team to meet deadlines, they have grown in confidence through speaking on camera and interviewing senior people and they have also demonstrated great resilience when dealing with high-pressure situations - much like a real life newsroom.

To find out more about the project you can look on the BBC School Report website which shows news stories from past years and also lists Wren Academy as taking part on the map for 2015/2016. The Wren Academy website also its own link so please save this page as a favourite, and check out the news stories when they are published. All the students’ reports will be published, hot off the press, on the school website, as well as on the BBC, on the 10 March. You heard it here first!